martes, 1 de noviembre de 2016

True Story

Four years ago I went with my parents and sisters to London. We went with another family that are the best friends of my parents. We stayed there for 1 week.
The day of came back home was a big disaster. We were waiting to board, so each one had to take her or him ID card to could travel and thats the funny part... Mine and my sisters was nowhere! We looked for them in every place but we didn´t find them so we could´t take the plane. We were so sad and nervous because we thought that we had to stayed in London for days until the enbassy gave us new ones.
Then, we waited in as office where they give back our luggage. I don´t know why but I opened it and started looking between the clothes and bags, my mum was helping me when she scream, she found them into the makeup bag! Believe me when I say that was one of the best moments of my life.
As you imagine we ran as fast as we could to a counter to pay 5 new tickets to Spain, we were praying for a plane that went to Spain that afternon, but there wasn´t. We booked a flight for the next morning, so we had to stayed 1 day more there, it was a crazy travel and an experience that I hope never happen again.

1 comentario:

  1. Be careful with:
    -the day of came back: the day of coming back (l.3)
    -him ID card: his ID card (l.4)
    -to could travel: to be able to travel (l.4)
    -thats: that's (l.4)
    -Mine and my sisters was: Mine and my sisters were (l.4)
    -we had to stayed: we had to stay (l. 6-14)
    -enbassy: embassy (l.6)
    -as office: an office (l.7)
    -they give back: they gave back (l.7)
    -when she scream: when she screamed (l.8)

    Grade: 6,5
