lunes, 19 de junio de 2017

Female Rights

It is well-known that female rights are behind male rights since unforgettable ages. However, day by day and step by step all had change, but there are some things in our society we need to change and defend.
In my opinion not having had any women president in most of the countries shows that we aren´t considerated good for the job, good for leading a country because we don´t have as much force as them. But in fact, studies show that we are more intelligent, we can do as many things as them, and even better.
In addition, if you work in a hospital, or in a townhall, and you are a woman you will earn less money than a man who do the same as you, and why? Because you can have a baby? Getting pregnant is a very importnt decission for a woman, and if the society told off paying a 20% less, someting is wrong, it is not right.
To sum up, many things had changed for wellness, like women can vote or to not depend on your dad or husband, but still there areas that need to be change, and I hope in the next few years men and woman will be equal in every aspect.

martes, 14 de marzo de 2017

My sister: Mara Macíaas

Mara Macías was born in Getafe on 4th October 2002. The first time I saw her was when I was 2 years old and I remember stayed with my grandparents at my hause and suddenly my mum showed up with a baby on her arms. She was very little, with short and red hair and a really white skin.
Her most striking feature is that she is very tall, even being a girl, she looks myterious and for me is like a model, because she is beautiful and tall. Mara has brown hair and not to short but neither long hair, is normal. Even, she has got dark brown eyes that shows how she is. She is really intelligent, quite sensible too and very hardworking. Mara is not a really sporty person, and most of the time is reading books,
We are sisters but we don´t have a lot of things in commun. She loves animals, that´s why I think she wants to be a vet. Sometimes I feel as if animals understand her silent better than us.
Mara is a really important person for me, it´s like my best friend, as Nora, my other sister, and I think Mara is one of the kindest people in the world.

King Lear

King Lear